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Mizen Head Bridge
Mizen Head
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The Mizen Head Footbridge is a reinforced concrete through-arch structure which provides access to a lighthouse at the tip of Mizen Head in the south west of County Cork. The current bridge was constructed during 2009 and 2010 to replace an older bridge which had existed for almost a century.

Mizen Head Signal Station was built in 1909 and was originally just a fog signal station. Permission was given by the Board of Trade for a lighthouse and fog signal in 1906. There is no lantern; the light is mounted in the open on a freestanding pedestal. Forming a backdrop to the light is a 4 metre octagonal concrete structure with two rectangular rooms attached on opposite sides, which was the original fog signal building. The active
focal plane of the structure is 55 metres with a 4 metre octagonal cylindrical stone tower attached to a one-story rectangular fog signal building, all painted white. In
1931, Mizen Head Signal Station had the first radio beacon in Ireland, providing a navigation aid to shipping.<\/font>
Photographer: https://www.floralimages.co.uk/contact/contact2.htm

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24 September 2018  
24/09/2018 14:01:48
1/640 sec - F/9
Focal Length: 20mm
Lens: 20mm f/2.8 D
Exposure mode: Shutter speed priority AE
Metering: Multi-segment
Focussing: AF-S
Sensitivity: ISO 200
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