Mizen Head Signal Station, 1 of 10

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Mizen Head Signal Station
Mizen Head
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The Old Signal Station

Mizen Head Signal Station was built in 1909 and was originally just a fog signal station. Permission was given by the Board of Trade for a lighthouse and fog signal in 1906. There is no lantern; the light is mounted in the open on a freestanding pedestal. Forming a backdrop to the light is a 4 metre octagonal concrete structure with two rectangular rooms attached on opposite sides, which was the original fog signal building. The active
focal plane of the structure is 55 metres with a 4 metre octagonal cylindrical stone tower attached to a one-story rectangular fog signal building, all painted white. In
1931, Mizen Head Signal Station had the first radio beacon in Ireland, providing a navigation aid to shipping.<\/font>
Photographer: https://www.floralimages.co.uk/contact/contact2.htm

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24 September 2018  
24/09/2018 14:44:11
1/320 sec - F/13
Focal Length: 52mm
Lens: 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 G VR
Exposure mode: Shutter speed priority AE
Metering: Multi-segment
Focussing: AF-S
Sensitivity: ISO 200
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