Two Working Men sculpture, 1 of 1

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Two Working Men sculpture
Cork CityCork County Hall
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Two Working Men (Irish: Beirt Fhear Oibre) are a pair of statues made by the Irish sculptor Oisín Kelly. The piece took Kelly three years to create and was unveiled in front of the County Hall in Cork in 1969. As with other works of public art in Ireland, the statues took on a local colloquial name, and are still commonly known as "Cha and Miah".

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04 October 2011  
04/10/2011 11:46:13
1/80 sec - F/16
Focal Length: 120mm
Lens: 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 G VR
Exposure mode: Shutter speed priority AE
Metering: Multi-segment
Focussing: AF-S
Sensitivity: ISO 400
Exp. compensation: -1 EV
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