Photographs by John Crellin



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Holme Lacy bridge
Holme Lacy bridge
Holy Cross Catholic Church, Kenmare
Holy Cross Catholic Church, Kenmare
Holywell Music Room
Holywell Music Room
Hook lighthouse
Hook lighthouse
Horizontal Sash Window
Horizontal Sash Window
Horse near Gospel Pass
Horse near Gospel Pass
Horses near Twmpa
Horses near Twmpa
House Martins' nest
House Martins' nest
Houses and Gardens
Houses and Gardens
Hungry Hill
Hungry Hill
Hungry Hill and Caha mountains
Hungry Hill and Caha mountains
Hungry Hill and Sugarloaf
Hungry Hill and Sugarloaf
Hydro Intake
Hydro Intake
Ice on Dead Asparagus
Ice on Dead Asparagus
Icicles on stream
Icicles on stream
Icy Cobweb on a Car
Icy Cobweb on a Car
If you are looking for a sign this is it
If you are looking for a sign this is it
In the Reeds
In the Reeds
Inchydoney Beach
Inchydoney Beach
Inish Maan
Inish Maan
Inish Maan ferry
Inish Maan ferry